Which Pilates course is right for me?

Here is a list of the classes that we are currently offering.

Before deciding which course to join, have a look through to help make up your mind. Once you have decided which course is most suitable for you, then go to our booking page to make your reservation. Please look at the FAQs page for queries concerning course structure and restrictions.

Please be aware that you will need a mat of your own for all our classes.

Studio Classes

Please check your course duration and dates when booking.


As the name suggests this is the class for you if you have never attended a Pilates lesson in your life before. Some of you might feel that because you have done Yoga that this might count. It does not!

The core pelvic and abdominal muscles are at the centre of practically every Pilates exercise you will do. These first classes are aimed at teaching you to locate and control those muscles. This you will get to know better as core stability.



A great class for those that have completed at least 4 courses at a lower level.



This is an intensive, intermediate class for those that have a sound knowledge of the basics. Nada, as a former athlete, likes to keep you moving and healthy as much as possible!


Online classes

The following classes are available on Zoom. Class numbers are restricted to 8. Link will be provided on registration. To make a booking for any of these classes please use this booking page.

Pilates and relaxation

This online Zoom class is more gentle than the others and is aimed at keeping your body supple and active. Suitable for over 70s!


Where are the classes held?

Have a look at our Venue page for details of the class locations and where to find them.

Online classes are run on Zoom and you will receive a link once you have registered.

